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Goodbye PICC Line, Hello Port

Didn’t sleep well. Worried that I would come out of surgery with missing body parts. 🙄 My surgeon is fantastic though; no need for that worrying. Worrying gets us no where. Except in my case...out of bed and attempting to sleep on the couch. Eventually sleep came. Soon after, the cat came. Next, a hair wash, courtesy the cat. Ew! Then, this beautiful sunrise. 

Strength for this day mustered via this sunrise, God’s promises, and these sweet words shared with me by a wise middle schooler, “Faith doesn’t make things more easy; it makes things possible.” Thanks, Livie. 

Then we were off to the hospital. 

Waving bye, bye to the PICC line. 

My suffocating, red, itchy, irritated skin is even more thankful than I am. Thankful I could use it for surgery first so I didn’t have to get stuck with a needle. Woohoo!

Port is in. We are home. I feel like I’ve been shot. (Not that I know what that actually feels like.) Tom is picking up meds. And I am posting now before coherent thoughts are gone with the wind. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for a successful procedure. As we were waiting to get into surgery, we also had a good time joking around with the staff and laughing at all the funny things you all post on FB (Dan Kitchen & Sotelo's). I haven’t seen Tom laugh that hard since before my diagnosis. Much needed. Praying for healing sleep tonight, pain management, and that this thing works correctly next week for my next round of chemo and high dose vitamin C.

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