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Status Update

Transitioning from Arizona where pretty much everything was taken care of for us, except insurance and enemas, has been challenging to say the least. My dear husband has been working so hard coordinating communication and paperwork between clinics and doctors, as well as insurance. Please continue supporting him with prayers. Today we went to another clinic closer that has some therapies I need. I will still be going to Chicago once or twice a week. My Sensitive skin has been very angry with my PICC line bandage, very angry. Please pray there is no underlying infection. And it is coming out tomorrow! Hallelujah! However, that means I need a port instead. Since there was an opening, tomorrow I am going in for surgery to have it put in. Oh, boy. Prayers for that would be appreciated as well. Then next week I start another round of chemo. Had some tests done this week. No cancer in my vertebrae. Yay! Tumor has gotten smaller. Yay! Still have a ways to go though. But that’s movement in the right direction. Yay! So those are a couple of praises. This is all quite the roller “normal” life, just a little more extreme. 

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