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Brief Update...Bed is calling.

Today I have been in a much healthier place emotionally. I think my hormones are off right now, too. Waiting for some testing to be done, but it has to be timed out appropriately. I got to sit outside in the sun for awhile with Amanda and Alex. It felt like we were normal human beings instead of "cancer patients" for our souls. Was reminded in another treatment session that all of us are human "be-ings", not human "do-ings"...more soul fuel...difficult concept for me to apply in my daily life.

Verse for the day:

Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. (emphasis mine..right now He is!) I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Thank you, Almighty Father, that you weren't merely my God yesterday. Right now, this minute, present tense, You are my God. You currently are my ever present help in trouble; I am safe in the palm of Your hand; and You are holding me up with Your victorious and mighty right hand. Amen

Thank you, friends, for all the love and support you have showered on me and Tom. It truly helps us keep our heads, hearts, and souls on solid ground.

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