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Head Games

Had a splitting headache last evening. Started a new med yesterday afternoon and headaches and permanent blindness are possible side effects. Seriously? Really struggled giving that over to Jesus. Hallelujah, I woke up this morning and the headache was gone. I took the med twice today with no headache afterwards. Phew! Thank you, God.

Today was another great day, for the most part. I have three days off from treatment at the center because of New Year’s. Woohoo! However, I do have lots of homework to do. I will spare you the details. Trust me. TMI friends, TMI.

Loved having the strength and energy to go for a short hike today with Tom. It was wonderful to be outside during the daylight and warmth. I’m usually inside almost all day for treatment. The hike was a much shorter distance than typical for us, but it did take a long time. During these pictures I was feeling great, so of course, I wanted to go a little further. That was dumb. I kept getting a whiff of the saline solution from my PICC Line. I don’t know how that would be possible, but I started getting paranoid. Did they say not to exercise vigorously? Am I even exercising vigorously? Am I crazy? Why am I smelling that? Do I even really smell it or is it just in my head? Do I call the “on-call” nurse? Can a helicopter land up here? (That was actually Tom’s question.) Needless to say, it was a very slow walk back down trying to avoid anything strenuous. Between possible blindness from meds and possible blood clots from the PICC line, it is playing with my head.

I need to learn how to control my mind better. And I will not work so hard physically. Lesson learned…I hope. I am so not good at slowing down.

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