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First Day of Testing

My Head’s swimming from this typhoon of a day. Actually, it’s more like my brain is drowning. Family keeps asking how I am doing and I don’t know what to say. I honestly don’t know how or what I am feeling. These are the only thoughts I can identify right now, thoughts that keep flying by over and over and over again.

-I can’t believe I just had not one, but 3 mammograms. The doc told me they would be 2-d. Don’t know that I really believe him; I only saw one machine in there.

-I finally got the risky biopsy I’ve been putting off because I’ve been worried about putting a puncture hole in the tumor’s encasement. Then, then he doesn’t just take one specimen, I get 4! A “buy 1 get 3 free deal!” What the Heck?! I guess if you have one hole leaking cancer into the rest of my body, why not 4?! Ugh!

- Besides 4 punctures in the lining of my lump, now I also have a titanium clip in there. You’ve got to be kidding me! Unbelievable.

-There couldn’t just be one lump in my left breast, there has to be another one in there. And of course, why limit it to my left? The right wants to join the party and have 2 “suspicious masses with shadowing” as well. Just like my two matching busted elbows this summer...”go big or go home”, I guess.

# 736 Good news: nothing suspicious in my lymph ducts. Hallelujah! Something positive.

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